Services provided


 Consultancy services offered by SprayDryConsult are directed towards the needs of the chemical, dairy, food and pharmaceutical industrial sectors using spray drying in their manufacturing processes to convert feedstocks in liquid form into powders.    Operational safety, environmental protection and energy consumption are also important spray drying issues in this processing.

Typical consultancy services, therefore, involve companies looking for advice on a particular spray drying application or problem. This could be providing a second opinion in such categories as:


Design Selection & Operational Specifications

  • Process Scale-up

  • Performance Optimization

  • Trouble Shooting

  • Retrofitting

  • Environmental Protection, Energy Consumption & Safety Issues

  • Development Project Realization

  • Second-hand Spray Dryer Design Suitability & Performance Evaluation

Consultancy Services are also offered to meet special legal interests that involve a spray drying aspect that requires:

Expert Witness Opinion

Patent Interpretation in Infringement Cases

Contact to SprayDryConsult for Consultancy Services can be made using the Form provided.