Utilizing Spray Drying Technology to the Full

Spray drying is recognised as one of the few industrial drying processes producing powders directly from liquid feedstocks in an operation that is continuous, easy to control, economical, environmentally friendly and safe.

Spray drying also has the important advantage of being able to produce different types of powders. i:e powders consisting of individual particles, or particles having an agglomerate or granular structure. Dryer design and operation determines not only the type of powder produced, but also its physical properties.
There is a comprehensive range of available spray drying systems and optimization of a given product application involves selecting the most appropriate dryer design and operating conditions, based upon results from pilot plant product testing and available industrial drying experience. In this way, the required specific powder properties are achieved for a given product application.


Spray drying is an integral part of powder technology. The ability to produce ‘tailor-made’ powders offers industry important potential advantages when faced with the present and future needs within powder manufacturing from liquid feedstocks.